
Showing posts from May 12, 2014

A Question of Goals and Intents: There Was no 'Master' Plan.....

An intriguing question today from a comment left by someone.  A question that provoked a moment of thought.... a moment of repose, and a reflective response..... Question: What were your realistic (transitioning) goals? I mean like in stages, weekly monthly as you decided and knew who you were? Where did you build your confidence from?     Response: That's a very intriguing question. I've always seen myself as a person who has set goals and timelines in life, both scholastic as well as professional. Interestingly, my perspective of my goals was like a goal marker constantly moving forward as I would approach it. Not so much a goal was it for me to reach, each time, what seemed to become an interim point..... more-so it was a case of "let me try this and observe the results" along each step of the way. For myself, I needed to understand how my feelings for each step taken, assess the attendant emotions and reactions as well as to ascertain how ...