It has seemingly finally happened. I am not sure how it is that I got here but it seems, for the most part, I am here. I've reached a point where I can be out in female form and not be interpreted as anything but as a woman. One may wonder how one might know when they have achieved this point. How is it possible to know, with any level of certainty, what anyone may be thinking or surmising of one when they are out enfemme? The answer to the question is one which has been answered of late when I am out, by nothing more simple than by my voice. Interestingly, no one takes any note when I am out and quietly doing whatever it is I may be doing, whether it be shopping in the local BJ's Warehouse, to the supermarket, shopping in any number or type of stores or simply meandering in a public. The majority of this non-chalance, laissez-faire attitude by others is due in large part to my own care-free, casual and comfortable attitude. When one is comfortable with themselves, it is...