The Reality Of The Middle Ground
I must say that I do appreciate everyone taking the time to read my writings. They are, at the time at which I write, an emotional release and a way to document and later analyze and piece together seemingly disparate events into a more cohesive understanding holistically. I also hope that they bring some meaning and insight into others lives, such as your own in a relevant way. Certainly, feedback through relating events in one's own life and through comparative analysis has meant a lot to me as well in helping me to understand better, my own sense of self. I noted many's amazement in the rapidity in which I went from being closeted to being quite public. I can only validate this suddenness to my angst and anxiety which had been slowly and relentlessly building within me over the course of many years. It was akin to a balloon which was slowly inflated over time with pressure increasing to a point at which I could not contain it any longer. In getting out, I immediately surpris...