
Showing posts from February 21, 2012

The Gender Twilight Zone

A very interesting experience beheld me on a recent Thursday Evening.  I had just finished off an hour of subjecting myself as a human voodoo doll with my electrologist.  With two and a half years invested in clearing my beard, the results were finally being seen.  It was becoming a challenge now to find fill the hour with enough hairs to remove and becoming less of a challenge to achieve a flawless finish when I went out enfemme. For someone like myself who had a very heavy beard and could easily sport a five-o-clock shadow at eleven in the morning, it was a godsend.  But it was also to be a somewhat surreal night as well.  While lying on the table that night, I spoke to my electrologist while being poked with needles.  Sudden jolts of electrical current would occasionally cause me to lose track of my train of thought but I began.... "You know", I started, "It's interesting but it seems like lately I'm not quite sure what gender people are perceiving m...