"Life Has to be a Random Walk"
A friend today, related a story to me which brought me to my own thoughts of how I seem to deal with life. It's a bit of a story that I feel we all can relate to and, as naturally as we are all different and unique, how we handle the hand of cards that life deals unto us In this story, (and it is a true story and it is NOT of me), we have two people we shall name A and B, both of whom are successful individuals so far as standards of what most would call "successful". Such attributes as a good job, the necessities of life, good relationships and family and a means to support oneself and others who depend upon them comfortably are the attributes generally of which I am speaking. In short, the phrase, "Having and Living the American Dream" comes to mind in a very general sense. Now as it turns out in our story, A has been given a prognosis of a medical condition which could be potentially terminal. Interestingly, A has found and maintains an upbeat and po...