A Christmas Message

As the days grow shorter and darker and yet another holiday season unfolds upon me, I find it difficult at times to keep my own mind's thoughts, recollections and memories from many a dark place. A lifetime's worth of memories, both good and bad, happy and sad, seem to rush to the foreground in my mind's eye and take center stage at this time of year.  I know, as well, that this is true for many of us.

I'd like to focus, instead, in the light of the positive on the many things I have to be thankful for.  I am thankful for those who actively share in my life. 

You.... are the friends who reach out to me to console and to listen when I need it. 
You.... are the people in my life who recognize when things aren't going right when I've uttered no words.  You.... are the ones who know how to cheer me up and get me out of a funk when I need it most yet speak it least.
You....are the ones who recognize my life of seemingly endless hobbies and endeavors as diversions from having to deal with pain.
You....are the ones who bring me back out of my shell when I turn inwardly, slink away and recede from life.

At a time of year of both past challenges and new ones which bear down upon me even as I type these words, I am thankful for the kind hearts who have opened up theirs to console mine.  I am thankful for having a warm home, a means of support and food on the table.  I am thankful for having the ability to share and help others when the opportunity arises to do so.  I am thankful for the bright memories, which the dark ones must never be allowed to overshadow.

May the myriad of twinkling lights strung up during this darkest of seasons provide a beacon of warmth, hope, happiness and contentment to us all...  and to serve as an iconic glowing testament to the light which surrounds us all..... even in the throes of seemingly deepest darkness.

Wishing you all peace, health, love and contentment in your lives as well.




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