Swimming For My Life

I shudder at times when I look back on my blog, at my writings and my posts from years ago. It's like a different person was writing, a different person was living, a different person was seeing. How do I begin this entry? Where do I start? There are so many things that have changed in my life that it's like the person who wrote, who lived just a few short years before, was someone else... someone else who saw the world through blinders, through rose colored glasses and who swam through life in the shallow waters of some swimming pool. Now the woman staring back in the mirror is swimming for her life in deeper waters of the the blue Atlantic toward the distant shore of lands at the edge of a limitless horizon. Those still happily playing in the shallow end of the pool, surrounded by the safety of the ladders and the lifeguards can scarcely perceive that the swim I am making is one for my life now. I'm not drowning but I cannot stop where I am now....