Choose Wisely.....

Two years ago, if you asked me as I took those first steps out the door, if that would be enough.... enough to just occasionally be allowed to present as the woman within.... I would have said.... "YES!" Two years have gone by.... and in that time of those two years, I have carefully kept close track of my own sense of being. I've allowed myself to be myself for the first time in over 40 years of my life. I've expressed as I feel natural and without the constraints I had unconsciously engrained into my own psyche over the years of self repression. And with my allowing myself to be myself, I have come to shed the shyness I once had. The panic attacks and anxiety which resembled some horrific cross between complete catatonia and a heart attack disappeared, as did the nervous cold sweats and involuntary twitches and spasms which had become a sullenly accepted facet of who I was. In expression of the feminine, I became aware, for the first time in my life, that...